A Student Information System
packed with awesome Features
To help academic institutions maximize their return on investments, SEMS is different and easy software to provide a complete student lifecycle management. From prospecting, applicant processing, student life to alumni; data is captured only once and made available throughout the life of the student within your system. semsnetwork.com
Empowering educators to prepare students for
success in a rapidly changing world
DigiTaleem is a team of top-tier EdTech developers powered with pre-built solutions and subject-matter expertise to lead our clients to success in the digital transformation of education. digitaleem.com
Our company aims to revolutionize the means by which our clients collate their data, streamline the process and catapult productivity and efficiency to new heights. We deliver on our promises of customer retention, and providing satisfaction with easy to understand data. We intend to stay updated with the healthcare reforms and ensure to improve the bottom line of the providers. altumed.com
We analysed, researched, surveyed and concluded that this was not just our pain, and everyone in our position needed a cool and modern option to browse Halal food restaurants near them. We started on the road of putting together an awesome mobile app that would serve our purpose. Design and development of Android and iOS apps was started in parallel in late 2016. Android app was launched in May 2017 whereas the iOS app was launched in June 2017. haloodie.com
Restuarants Serving Halal Food in
New York
A marketplace app designed to meet your home repair needs with pre-screened reliable professionals.
Download Hunarshanas on your phone and gain access to a list of local professional service providers for your home improvement and re-modelling needs. hunarshanas.com
Enhance the Customer's Experiecne
Point of Sale
It’s easy to get started with our user-friendly EPOS system. You can enjoy all of the advanced features offered by our next-generation till and start selling straight away.
Why POS Pixel
Our complete EPOS system gives your business the competitive edge when it comes to growth and success. Simplify and automate many of the time-consuming day-to-day operations with POS Pixel. pospixel.com